About us

OUr core values

We believe that inside every person lies the potential to be a force for good. And everything we do is about unlocking that potential.

At Newbie Tech, we are passionate about equipping people with the self-awareness, skills, knowledge, and motivation to take charge of their lives and live to the fullest. Our diverse team of employees is focused on combining innovation and technology with a deep understanding of human psychology and mental/emotional wellbeing.

We understand the highs and lows that are part of being human, and we develop digital platforms and content to empower people to live more balanced, healthy lives. Through technology, we aim to equip people with the tools to cultivate the mental and emotional resilience to navigate the rapidly-changing future.

Our Vision

Our vision is to make the world a better place through empowering people to be their best selves while creating a sense of community.

Our Mission

Our mission is using technology and digital platforms to empower people from youth to adults to live healthier and happier lives through affordable education, resources, and quality information.